
Saturday 16 February 2013


It is an abrupt and disrupt is random is recessive.mutation occur due to the change in the structure of gene or chromosomes.this can occur when a person come into the contact with high intense uv rays or gama rays.example:-soldiers hurt in neuclear bombarding often are suffered from mutation.

Mutation arises due to mainly two reasons:-
1.Misreplication:-It arises due to mistake due to the mistake of dna replication.( frnds dna replication is formation of dna from dna).example...usually our dna contain 4 base pairs(adenine,thymine,guanine, cytosine).
In our dna:-base pairs configuration is.
1. Adenine make double bond with thymine(A=T).
2.Guanine make double bond with cytosine(G_=C).
the person suffer from mutation.mistake in the bonding of base pair take place.which later results in the un organised formation of cells or tissues.
mutation has adverse affects on human beings .mutation leads to the improper functions of gene or chromosomes.
but they are also usefull for us.mutation is used for hybrid crop plants.
it ocurs when there is a mistake in repair of dna.mistake in bonding of base results in the formation of unorganised group of cells.

Photo: Mutation:-
               It is an abrupt and disrupt is random is recessive.mutation occur due to the change in the structure of gene or chromosomes.this can occur when a person come into the contact with high intense uv rays or gama rays.example:-soldiers hurt in neuclear bombarding often are suffered from mutation.

Mutation arises due to mainly two reasons:-
1.Misreplication:-It arises due to mistake due to the mistake of dna replication.( frnds dna replication is formation of dna from dna).example...usually our dna contain 4 base pairs(adenine,thymine,guanine, cytosine).
In our dna:-base pairs configuration is.
1. Adenine make double bond with thymine(A=T).
2.Guanine make double bond with cytosine(G_=C).
     the person suffer from mutation.mistake in the bonding of base pair take place.which later results in the un organised formation of cells or tissues.
                                         mutation has adverse affects on human beings .mutation leads to the improper functions of gene or chromosomes.
                       but they are also usefull for us.mutation is used for hybrid crop plants.
                  it ocurs when there is a mistake in repair of dna.mistake in bonding of base results in the formation of unorganised group of cells.

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